26 research outputs found

    Two new species of Exobasidium causing Exobasidium diseases on Vaccinium spp. in Japan

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    Abstract Two new Exobasidium species on Vaccinium spp. in Japan are described and discussed. Exobasidium kishianum, which causes Exobasidium leaf blight on I/. hirtum var. pubescens and V. smallii, is characterized by its ellipsoid to ovoid basidiospores with (0-)1-3 septa. Its systemic infection is also observed. Exobasidium inconspicuum, cansing Exobasidium leaf blister on V. hirtum vat. pubescens, is characterized by its obovoid or ellipsoid to oval basidiospores with 0-4 septa. Mode of germination of the basidiospores is by germ tube in both species

    NIASGBdb: NIAS Genebank databases for genetic resources and plant disease information

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    The National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences (NIAS) is implementing the NIAS Genebank Project for conservation and promotion of agrobiological genetic resources to contribute to the development and utilization of agriculture and agricultural products. The project’s databases (NIASGBdb; http://www.gene.affrc.go.jp/databases_en.php) consist of a genetic resource database and a plant diseases database, linked by a web retrieval database. The genetic resources database has plant and microorganism search systems to provide information on research materials, including passport and evaluation data for genetic resources with the desired properties. To facilitate genetic diversity research, several NIAS Core Collections have been developed. The NIAS Rice (Oryza sativa) Core Collection of Japanese Landraces contains information on simple sequence repeat (SSR) polymorphisms. SSR marker information for azuki bean (Vigna angularis) and black gram (V. mungo) and DNA sequence data from some selected Japanese strains of the genus Fusarium are also available. A database of plant diseases in Japan has been developed based on the listing of common names of plant diseases compiled by the Phytopathological Society of Japan. Relevant plant and microorganism genetic resources are associated with the plant disease names by the web retrieval database and can be obtained from the NIAS Genebank for research or educational purposes

    Damping-off of Dahurian patrinia caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 IB in Japan

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    Grouping of Colletotrichum Species in Japan Based on rDNA Sequences

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    Anthracnose of Nemesia strumosa Caused by Colletotrichum fuscum

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    Grouping of Colletotrichum species in Japan based on rDNA sequences

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    Approximately 1,000 taxa of fungi found and/or collected in the Bonin Islands were listed based on previous reports, collection data of dried specimens and background dataset of living cultures. Five hundred 6 (50.8%), 203 (20.4%) and 180 (18.1%) of them belong to Basidiomycota, Deuteromycota (Mitosporic Fungi) and Ascomycota, respectively. The others (total 10.7%) are mixomycetous (56 taxa), zygomycetous (24 taxa), chytridiomycetous (14 taxa), oomycetous (12 taxa) and blastocladiomycetous (1 taxon) fungi. About 100 taxa containing texts, “bonin”, “munin”, “ogasawara,” “chichi”, “haha”, in their scientific and/or common names were found in the list. It indicates that at least 10% of taxa reported from the islands have type localities there and/or endemic. More taxa new to the islands will obviously turn up if various mycologists repeatedly place the full weight of their effort on collecting and identifying materials there, because those found are merely ca. 8.3% of known species of fungi in Japan.小笠原諸島で採集・発見・同定された菌類のうち文献として公表され、あるいは標本や分離菌株が公的機関に保存されている約1,000 学名(分類群)を網羅した。その主な内訳は担子菌類506 種(50.8%)、不完全菌類203 種(20.4%)、子のう菌類180 種(18.1%)で、残りの10.7%は変形菌類56 種、接合菌類24 種、ツボカビ類14 種、卵菌類12 種、コウマクノウキン類1 種である。学名や和名のローマ字表記の中に“bonin”、“munin”、 “ogasawara”、 “chichi”、 “haha”の語を含む種等が100 以上あることから、少なくとも10%の分類群が同諸島をタイプロカリティーとしており、また、その中には特産種も含まれているものと思われる。リストアップされた菌類は国内既知種の8.3%に過ぎず、今後、様々な菌学者が繰り返し同諸島の菌類を採集・同定することにより、さらに多くの種が明らかになると予想される

    Rhizoctonia Blight of Yacon Caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 (IB)

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